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Information & Support

At Bertha's Legacy, a global community dedicated to making a significant impact through charity, fundraising, and support for non-profits and NGOs.

Information & Support

understanding the crisis

Gender-based violence is not just a statistic; it’s a reality for countless women in our communities, often hidden in the shadows of silence and fear.  Every day, women experience violence in their homes, workplaces, and even public spaces. This is not just a personal tragedy—it’s a societal crisis that affects us all.

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Why Does This Happen?

  • From a young age, many girls are told how to behave, how to dress, and what roles they should play. These cultural narratives often teach us that aggression is a sign of strength and that women should be submissive. This mindset is dangerous; it normalizes violence and diminishes women’s worth. Imagine growing up in a world where your voice is silenced, where you’re taught to accept pain rather than seek help.

  • Financial independence is a cornerstone of freedom. Unfortunately, many women find themselves trapped in abusive relationships because they lack the resources to leave. Picture a mother who stays in a harmful situation because she fears for her children’s safety and doesn’t have a job to support them. No one should have to choose between safety and survival.

  • Many women are unaware of their rights or the resources available to them. They may feel isolated, believing they are the only ones facing such challenges. We want every woman to know that she is not alone—that there is support, understanding, and a community ready to help her.

  • When a woman finds the courage to reach out for help, she deserves to be met with open arms and effective resources. Sadly, many survivors encounter unresponsive services that leave them feeling more isolated. Every woman should feel empowered to speak out and trust that her story will be taken seriously.

  • The aftermath of gender-based violence can leave deep emotional scars. Yet, many survivors face stigma when seeking mental health support. Imagine carrying that


What is GBV?

So, what exactly is Gender-based violence? According to the European Commission, it refers to:


"Violence directed against a person because of that person's gender, or violence that affects persons of a particular gender disproportionately."


When we talk about violence against women, it’s crucial to understand that this is a serious violation of human rights. It includes any act of gender-based violence that can lead to physical harm, sexual abuse, psychological distress, or economic hardship. All of these impacts can cause significant suffering for women.

Scared person


If you’re here because you may be experiencing gender-based violence, know that you’re not alone. It’s okay to ask for help. Bertha’s Legacy is here to support you with confidential advice, resources, and a compassionate team ready to listen and provide assistance. We offer a variety of tools, information, and support to guide you.


If you're here because you know someone who might be experiencing gender-based violence, you're on the right place. Supporting someone through abuse can be challenging. We’re here to guide you with compassionate advice and resources, ensuring both you and the person you’re helping feel safe and empowered.


Understanding Types of GBV

As we dive into the various types of gender-based violence (GBV), it's important to recognize that these acts can take many forms, each deeply affecting individuals and communities. Understanding these types can help us identify and address them, offering support to those who need it most.


Let’s explore the most common forms of GBV

  • Physical abuse is any action meant to hurt someone physically, often linked to their gender or how society perceives their gender role.

  • Verbal abuse involves using words to hurt, intimidate, or control someone, often rooted in unequal power dynamics between genders.

  • Psychological abuse is all about the actions that cause emotional pain, and manipulate how an individual feels and thinks.

  • Sexual abuse involves any sexual act or attempt to force someone into a sexual situation without their consent. This includes serious crimes like rape.

  • Socio-economic abuse is all about controlling or limiting someone’s access to financial resources, education, and job opportunities to exert power over them.

  • Domestic or intimate partner abuse involves a pattern of abusive behavior used by one partner to gain or maintain control over another in a close relationship.

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